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国家治理论坛系列讲座--The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Governance in the United States



主  讲 人:Craig W. Thomas ( 华盛顿大学)

时     间  : 4月16日19:00—21:00

地     点  : 廖凯原楼207会议室

主  持 人:王浦劬  教授(北京大学)



语     言 :  英文(有同传)



    Craig W. Thomas is Professor and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington.He is also the former editor of the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, the #1 journal of public policy and administration.



    The term “collaborative governance” refers decision-making processes that engage people across the traditional boundaries of public agencies, levels of government, and the private sector.  This lecture will discuss the various reasons why collaborative governance has been increasingly used in the United States for decision-making and implementation processes.  In particular, the lecture will focus on key challenges for the practice of collaborative governance, such as reaching agreement among diverse stakeholders and the quality of those decisions.  It will also present new ways for conducting research on the emergence, evolution, and outcomes of collaborative governance.  Standard research methods for conducting research on collaborative governance have focused on surveys and interviews.